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Mo’s Million Dollar Image Makeover

Image Makeover

Mo's Million Dollar MakeoverMo’s Heroes Million Dollar Makeover Program provides homeless veterans with image makeovers so they can successfully seek out and gain employment opportunities.

The program is a 5-day image makeover event that includes workshops on appearance, behavior, and communication, which equips each veteran with the ability to enhance their personal image and build a professional image. During the event, we provide homeless veterans with various services and tools to enhance their look. Some of these services and tools include: barbers or hairdressers, makeup artists, professional and personal attire, personal development plan and official resume. Each veteran will be equipped to attend the stand-down event to achieve their professional and personal goals.

This Mo’s Heroes makeover program is also open to active duty veterans who will be transitioning into civilian life. For this population, active duty veterans will be paired with stylists – some of who are Mo’s Heroes partners – to enhance their professional look and ready themselves for civilian employment. “Suit Drives” will be a key element to this program, specifically providing veterans with business attire to look their best for interviews and professional networking.

For the veterans who participate in our program, the makeover does not stop at physical image makeover. We also help them with developing an effective resume, building professional networks, obtaining relevant job interviews, dressing for success personally and professionally, building a respectable social media presence and more. This is so that they are able to have a genuine and desired impression of which employers are seeking.

Through Mo’s Million Dollar Makeover, veterans will be able to go beyond “looking the part” to being equipped with the tools and skills needed to develop and sustain an image that positively impacts their inner being, relationships and employing organizations.

Stand Down Event

On day 5, the last day of the image makeover, veterans attend a Stand-down event hosted by Mo’s Heroes. This is an event where homeless veterans can meet with prospective employers or get access to counseling, further referrals, financial opportunities and more.

Mo's Million Diollar Image MakeoverFor active duty members with a different set of needs, the Stand Down program will provide a career tract, where they can establish new professional contacts/networks for a new career move. Ready-to-hire civilian employers will be present to speak on, interview, and network on behalf of their organizations.

Mo’s Heroes Stand Down prides itself on being a preemptive resource to prevent active members from being at risk of homelessness. It is why we open up the educational and networking resources of our Stand Down events to all veterans who may need to learn how to properly transition out of the military, to learn new skills, or create new career networks.

Similarly, for veterans already struggling with homelessness, Stand Down is a community-based intervention program designed to help the nation’s estimated 107,000 homeless veterans who on any given night “combat” life on the streets. Homeless veterans are brought together in a single location for one to three days and are provided access to the community resources needed to begin addressing their individual problems and rebuilding their lives.

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