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Mo’s Heroes has worked with and continues to work with various educational resources and partners to help veterans who are transitioning from the army, or those who are transitioning out of homelessness. The goal is to train them for the jobs they want.

We offer pre-training classes, referrals and connections for veterans who are looking for a new job after leaving the military. We work with hiring managers to host some of the pre-training classes for our veterans.

Some of our other programs at Mo’s Heroes also goes to giving veterans the foundation they need to be a good hire for employees. For example, the Mo’s Heroes Million Dollar Makeover Image Workshop helps veterans with business resumes, business etiquette, career coaching and even dressing for work. Also, our special ‘Mo Power to You’ program ensures veterans are able to network in order to land that job they want.

The Employment Academy serves as both an educational program and a preemptive program that helps those who are transitioning out of the military from getting trapped in a cycle of unemployment and then homelessness. Similarly, it also helps those who are homeless have the educational foundation needed to get back successfully into the civilian workforce. 

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