Home > Counseling Services

At Mo’ Heroes, we help veterans find the counseling help that they need by linking them up with some of our partners and closest organizations within the different areas where our veterans live. We understand that in order to prevent some of our veterans from becoming homeless or even those who are currently homeless, we must extend some counseling help as needed.

For example, some of our veterans deployed in war zones may come back with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Often times, this might make it hard for them to hit the ground running within a new career field. If some of these veterans affected by PTSD are not given proper treatment or referral to some of these resources that are available, it can affect their new jobs. These veterans may end up prematurely losing their jobs and fall into a cycle of homelessness.

At Mo’s Heroes, we understand some of these challenges and know that to be successful at transitioning our veterans to an active new career path we must also open them up to some of the counseling resources available within their local areas. We have worked with organizations to get veterans the counseling help they need.

But even so, those currently homeless can also benefit. Our outreach program help homeless heroes get back on the right path, and get their mind right before holding a job. We understand that they can very much]benefit from the counseling services or referrals we give them.

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