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Sandra Jones

Sandra W. Jones is a native Fayettevilian. Her exposure to accounting started in her early teenage years as she served as treasurer of numerous church committees and school activities. In her senior year in high school, she received the Accounting Award.

After graduating from high school, Sandra obtained two Associate of Science degrees simultaneously from Fayetteville Technical Community College in Accounting and Business Administration with a GPA of 3.6. For the next five years, Sandra served as a Tax Instructor and Assistant District Manager for Beneficial Tax Center. Upon leaving Beneficial Tax Center, Sandra acquired employment in the corporate office of Cape Fear Broadcasting/C F Radio, Inc. in Fayetteville, NC. Initially, Sandra was hired as the accountant for four radio stations. After two years of employment with the company, she was promoted to Corporate Business Manager. During her twelve years at Cape Fear Broadcasting, she implemented such projects as the company’s 401(k) plan, payroll Direct Deposit and other cost saving measures for the company.

Currently, Sandra is the Asst. to the Pastor for Finance at Lewis Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, where she is a member. At Lewis Chapel, she is revamping the Finance System to include electronic contributions. In addition to her employment through the years, Sandra owns and operates an accounting service, Professional Business Services, which specializes in small business consulting, business plan writing, and tax preparation.

Sandra has served on the following Board of Directors:
Treasurer, Coalition For Awareness, Resources and Education of Substances
Advisor, Junior Achievement Program
Member, Boys and Girls Club
Asst. Treasurer and Treasurer, Museum of the Cape Fear Historical Complex (Current)

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